Ear Conditions

We treat many types of ear conditions, many of them some form of ear infection. If you decide to come in to meet the Naugatuck Valley ENT team to have your condition diagnosed, we will provide recommended treatment for an ear infection or ear condition. The treatment will depend on the patient’s age and the severity of the condition. If you or your child is experiencing ear pain with a fever, please call our office immediately to make an appointment. You may contact Naugatuck Valley ENT at (203) 578-4630.


How to Recognize and Treat Dehydration in Winter in Derby, CT Square

How to Recognize and Treat Dehydration in Winter in Derby, CT

Many people associate dehydration with summer, but winter dryness can be just as problematic, leading to dry skin, fatigue, and increased sinus irritation. Staying hydrated with water, warm fluids, and hydrating foods can help combat the effects of cold air and indoor heating, but if dehydration-related issues persist, seek care at Naugatuck Valley ENT for expert evaluation and treatment. Call (203) 578-4630 to set up an appointment.

Living with Hyperacusis Understanding and Managing Sensitive Hearing in Plymouth, CT Square

Living with Hyperacusis: Understanding and Managing Sensitive Hearing in Plymouth, CT

Imagine a world where every day sounds like running water, rustling leaves, or even the hum of a dishwasher are not just noticeable—they’re excruciating. For people with hyperacusis, this is their reality. This rare condition affects how the brain processes sound, turning ordinary noise into a source of pain and discomfort. Let’s explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of hyperacusis and how it impacts the lives of those who live with it.

The Sticky Truth About Earwax in Ansonia, CT Square

The Sticky Truth About Earwax in Ansonia, CT | When to Clean, When to Leave It Alone, and When to See a Doctor

Earwax, or cerumen, naturally protects your ears by catching dust and repelling water. It often cleans itself out through jaw movements like chewing. However, attempting to remove it with cotton swabs can push it deeper, causing blockages and potential damage, so opt for safe removal methods or seek professional help when needed. Please contact Naugatuck Valley ENT at (203) 578-4630 to schedule an appointment.

Protecting Your Ears at Altitude from Barotrauma Tips for Air Travel and Diving in Middlebury, CT Square

Protecting Your Ears at Altitude from Barotrauma: Tips for Air Travel and Diving in Middlebury, CT

If you’ve ever felt ear discomfort while flying or diving, you’re not alone. Ear problems, particularly barotrauma, are some of travelers’ most frequent medical issues. Whether cruising at high altitudes or diving deep underwater, sudden changes in pressure can strain your ears, causing pain, hearing difficulties, and, in some cases, more severe complications.  Please contact Naugatuck Valley ENT at (203) 578-4630 to set up an appointment.

Behind the Eardrum Navigating Cholesteatoma in Southbury, CT Square

Behind the Eardrum: Navigating Cholesteatoma in Southbury, CT

The Naugatuck Valley ENT team can manage cholesteatoma through various methods. Typically, complete removal of the skin or cyst requires surgical intervention. Before surgery, we may need to carefully clean your ear and prescribe medications to stop the drainage. These medications can be oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics, or both. Keeping the ear dry during this treatment period is advised. Contact Naugatuck Valley ENT at (203) 578-4630 to schedule an appointment.

The Ringing Truth Exploring Tinnitus in Shelton CT Square

The Ringing Truth: Exploring Tinnitus in Shelton, CT

Tinnitus is a common condition where individuals experience ringing, buzzing, or other noises in their ears without any external sound source. More than 50 million Americans have encountered tinnitus at some point. For many, this is a temporary and minor inconvenience. Still, for about 20% of these individuals, tinnitus can be a persistent and bothersome issue that significantly impacts their quality of life and functional health.

Ear Infections Children

Ear Infections in Children

Ear infections in children are not fun and very common, especially in children between 6 months and 3 years of age. These infections are typically not that serious. are usually not serious. Although not contagious, the viral illness that caused the infection can be. Most ear infections happen when a child has already had a cold for a few days.