Barotrauma occurs when the eustachian tube in your middle ear is blocked due to altitude or pressure changes and air cannot be equalized, so a vacuum occurs. Ear problems are one of the most common medical complaints of airplane travelers and divers. While they are usually minor annoyances, sometimes they can cause significant symptoms.  The change of altitude stretches the eardrum which causes pain and occasionally fluid. The common cold, sinus infections, and nasal allergies can also interfere because swollen membranes in the nose can extend into the eustachian tube and block it.


Protecting Your Ears at Altitude from Barotrauma Tips for Air Travel and Diving in Middlebury, CT Square

Protecting Your Ears at Altitude from Barotrauma: Tips for Air Travel and Diving in Middlebury, CT

If you’ve ever felt ear discomfort while flying or diving, you’re not alone. Ear problems, particularly barotrauma, are some of travelers’ most frequent medical issues. Whether cruising at high altitudes or diving deep underwater, sudden changes in pressure can strain your ears, causing pain, hearing difficulties, and, in some cases, more severe complications.  Please contact Naugatuck Valley ENT at (203) 578-4630 to set up an appointment.